Load balancing - bee perspective
There is always a talk to improving the load balancing of servers in enterprise application deployment.
most of this is in jargon and quite boring
I just read an intersting article on how a new approach is thought of using the honeybee's collection behaviour
Bees tackle their resource allocation problem (i.e. a limited number of bees and unpredictable demand on their time and desired location) with a seamless system driven by “dances.” Here’s how it works: The scout bees leave the hive in search of nectar. Once they’ve found a promising spot, they return to the hive “dance floor” and perform a dance. The direction of the dance tells the waiting forager bees which direction to fly, the number of waggle turns conveys the distance to the flower patch; and the length conveys the sweetness of the nectar.
The forager bees then dance behind the scouts until they learn the right steps (and the particulars about the nectar), forming a bobbing conga line of sorts. Then they fly out to collect the nectar detailed in the dance. As long as there’s still nectar to be found, the bees that return continue the dance.To read more, click here
Sunday, February 07, 2010
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- Lakshminarayanan Sampath
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In my other life, I love software architecture and design, I also focus on project management skills. My other blog, concentrates on technical and project management related articles and notes.
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